... 175th Anniversary Celebrations and Thanksgiving Eucharist - 7th October 2018


A Thanksgiving Eucharist presided over by the Archbishop of Melbourne, Archbishop Philip Freier, was held at Christ Church on 7th October 2018, and was attended by over 200 parishioners, past parishioners and friends of the Parish. Abp Philip spoke of Solomon's revolutionary act and its link to the Christ Church Anniversary being celebrated, and about our task to make our spiritual life known to those around us - the reality of Jesus and the Kingdom of God.

(* you can listen to the full audio of an excerpt from the Archbishop's address by clicking on the link below).

The whole congregation joined with the Choir in singing 'the Christ Church Parish Hymn' (written by Revd. Peter Hill, with music composed by Revd. Alan Lewis), and at the conclusion of the service all were treated to a wonderful performance on the recently restored organ by Parish Organist Winton Barry, who played the "Toccata" from Symphony No. 5 by Widor - you can listen to this Hymn and the Toccata, and other excerpts from the Thanksgiving Service, by clicking on the links below.




the Archbishop's beautiful chasuble, embroidered with images of the Twelve Apostles



Blueball you can hear an excerpt from Abp Freier's address here

(below) the Christ Church Choir and Organist Winton Barry


... and a sumptious morning tea followed, with the opportunity to catch up with friends old and new, and to view some of Christ Church's historic records, photographs and memorabilia......

.... some excerpts from the Thanksgiving Eucharist -

Blueball the Christ Church Parish Hymn (written by Revd. Peter Hill; music composed by Revd. Alan Lewis) (3:17)

Blueball Choir Anthem - "Be Still" by David Evans, arr. by Winton Barry (sung by thre Choir during the Eucharist) (4:20)


* please note that all recordings were made live during the service, so background and congregational noise is audible, and volume controls may need to be adjusted

Blueball the Opening Hymn 423 - "Christ is made the Sure Foundation" (3:59)

Blueball Psalm 100 (sung by the Choir) (3:10)

Blueball the Gradual Hymn 446 - "Glorious Things of thee are spoken" (3:30)

Blueball the Final Hymn 433 - "Christ is our Cornerstone" (2:32)

Blueball Toccata from Symphony No. 5 by Charles-Marie Widor (1844-1937) - played by Organist Winton Barry (NOTE that this track, in particular, has considerable background and congregational noise, as it was played as the church emptied at the conclusion of the service).

* Photos and Recordings by Bruce Munro, Bruce Twaddell, Don Patterson and Phillip Swain



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